Local planning and peacebuilding in Sumapaz. The path from national, district and local plans in Bogota
Planeación local para la construcción de paz en Sumapaz. El camino desde los planes marco, nacional, distrital y local en Bogotá
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One of the greatest difficulties after the signing of the Final Agreement for the Termination of the Armed Conflict that was signed between the
national government and the FARC guerrilla is its implementation, this is, to make the policies become plans with a budget and projects that are evident for citizenship. This paper considers existing traditional planning instruments in Colombia, such as national, district and local development plans; and those created after the signing of the peace agreement, such as the implementation framework plan and the CONPES documents. These instruments are analyzed with the concepts of territorial development and peace building. In addition, the SECOP II of the Mayor’s Office of Sumapaz is reviewed between february and june 2021. As results of this review is evident the challenges of timing from the creation of the policy (peace agreement) to its implementation in specific projects in Sumapaz.
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