Formulación e implementación de un modelo de construcción de paz institucional: retos para la Policía Nacional de Colombia

Formulación e implementación de un modelo de construcción de paz institucional: retos para la Policía Nacional de Colombia

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Blanca Consuelo Wynter Sarmiento
Juan Hernany Romero Cruz


The article describes how members of the Colombian National Police have appropriated the Peacebuilding Model in Colombia. The structuring of this model was in charge of the Unidad Policial para la Edificación de la Paz to achieve the implementation of the Agreements and the consequent peacebuilding process. Based on the obtained data, an analytical proposal is presented about the challenges in terms of service provision in the coming years, aiming that the reforms developed from the theoretical-practical advances of the model to be stabilized. Using qualitative and quantitative instruments, the Police were able to identify the appropriation level of one of the first reforms proposed by its members regarding the provision of police services within the framework of the Peacebuilding Model. This has allowed the proposal of new optimization alternatives presented throughout the approach and appropriation of this doctrine in the national territory. 



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Blanca Consuelo Wynter Sarmiento, Uninpahu

Politóloga de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Magíster en Construcción de Paz de la Universidad de los Andes. Docente de investigación de Uninpahu.

Juan Hernany Romero Cruz, Uninpahu

Comunicador Social de Uninpahu y joven investigador del semillero Liberpensado de Uninpahu.

References (SEE)

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