Proposed accessible tourism requirements for event centers. Case study: of the Havana convention center-Cuba

Propuesta de requisitos de turismo accesible para centros de eventos. Caso de estudio: palacio de convenciones de la Habana-Cuba

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Glenda Yamirka Oliva Santiesteban
Araiz Gascón Pérez


Accessible tourism is currently presented as a necessity, providing a inclusive experience for all people. This study aimed to propose requirements for accessible tourism at Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana events center. To achieve this, theoretical and empirical research methods were used. A bibliographic review was carried out to establish the theoretical and methodological foundations of this study, the level of accessibility of the center was characterized through interviews with managers and people with special needs, a survey of workers and observation of the physical places. Data processing involved the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, discourse analysis and triangulation of methods. Based on the information recovered, a proposal of requirements was prepared that was structured into general and specific, with 11 areas of intervention, according to ISO 21902 standard. This research made it possible to verify that even though the center has vast experience and specialization in the holding of events and efforts have been made for adaptations, physical and social barriers persist that limit their potential for accessible tourism, affecting the parameters such as information, training, service infrastructure, resources for the event, tourism and accessibility standards, especially for people with hearing difficulties or low vision. The proposal of general requirements offers recommendations applicable to any event venue and the specific ones that are particular to the case study.



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References (SEE)

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