Analysis of military training: a look from entrepreneurship and the new humanism

Análisis de la formación militar: una mirada desde el emprendimiento y el nuevo humanismo

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Yancira Moreno Mahecha


In military training, it is pertinent to identify and address the integrity of being an entrepreneur as a humanizing process that the person must recognize, after the process of intra-entrepreneurship, because it strengthens his/her capacities, allows him/her to act on a certain problem and give it a solution. It is worth noting that the men and women who belong to the Cavalry School of the Colombian national army and to other military institutions, are the people who have the responsibility of keeping the security and the defense of the country. For this reason, they must be aware of their responsibility to always generate an environment of peace. But, what allows them to comply with the above? Reacting from their military training, depending on the circumstances, from their skills and attitudes, with creativity and innovation.



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