Towards a sustainable eco-tourism policy for the department of Norte de Santander, Colombia

Hacia una política de turismo sostenible para el departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia

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Jorge Enrique Maldonado Pinto


The forces of the Norte de Santander department represented by communities, social organizations, associations representing people who the region hurts and some one or another political sector have always been concerned to develop sustainable ecotourism, conserving and enriching natural resources department, full watershed aplenty in the municipalities of Herrán, Pamplonita Cácota, Silos, Mutiscua, Cáchira, Villacaro, Lourdes, Abrego, El Tarra, Ocaña, El Carmen, among others, and with an abundance of rivers and broken as the municipalities of Bochalema, Salazar and Zulia. Beautiful scenery and wild fields and geomorphological malformations are Playa Bethlehem, charming place is the so-called Estoraques, and really Estoraques not exist. True Estoraques trees were long ago shaded with white sheets this sandy soil, and from there came the misleading name that is known today these “deformations of the earth,” as it is commonly called.

The tourist exploitation through nature trails, theme parks, craft and food fairs receive adequate hotel infrastructure to the preciousness of its landscapes, under a public policy of sustainable development would North Santander department, the tourist attraction par excellence of the country, competing with destinations like the coffee, Boyacá and Amazon.



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Article Details

Author Biography (SEE)

Jorge Enrique Maldonado Pinto, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior - CUN

Ph.D. en Educación. Líder de Investigaciones de la Corporación Unificada Nacional, Norte de Santander.

References (SEE)

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