Envejecimiento rural en la Localidad de Sumapaz, Bogot D. C., 2014-2016
Envejecimiento rural en la Localidad de Sumapaz, Bogotá D. C., 2014-2016
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This document aims to review the demographic phenomenon of aging in the rural context, taking as a point of reference the town of Sumapaz, belonging to the city of Bogotá D.C, and the incidence of this demographic phenomenon in the development of the region. To that purpose, first a brief conceptual overview of the demography of aging will be made, taking into account the particularities of the rural sector. Secondly, we show the context of aging in rural areas in Colombia and the associated problems of the Colombian countryside, based on the Third National Agricultural Census and the Bogotá Cómo Vamos 2016 quality of life survey, in order to understand its effect on the demographic phenomenon of aging and its impact on the quality of life of the elderly living in rural areas. Subsequently, the particular case of Sumapaz, the twentieth town of the Capital District, will be analyzed in more detail, seeking to explain the causes of aging based on its history of conflict and its political, economic, and social context. Finally, some general conclusions will be made on the impact of the demographic phenomenon of aging in the formulation of development policies with a rural focus.
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References (SEE)
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