Caracterización de los graduados de los programas de Administración y Administración Financiera de la Universidad de la Amazonia 2013-2015
Caracterización de los graduados de los programas de Administración y Administración Financiera de la Universidad de la Amazonia 2013-2015
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The monitoring of graduates is important for universities that seek to feedback their educational programs and achieve quality training standards that give prestige and institutional recognition. This follow-up requires characterizing the graduates -knowing their work status and professional development- with the main objective of establishing links, for example, through events that bring the institution together with professionals. This research was carried out in the Financial Administration and Administration programs of the University of the Amazon in Florencia (Caquetá). This was an exploratory and descriptive empirical-analytical inquiry, with quantitative instruments. Its main goal was to know the level of satisfaction of the graduates in front of both programs, their personal characteristics, the academic information, the labor situation and finally their individual opinion of the University of the Amazon. This exercise found that 68,6 % of graduates are linked to work and that 85,7 % are pursuing their careers. Given this scenario, the need arises to create improvement strategies for graduates, develop activities that strengthen their professional skills and generate institutional agreements that involve the graduate with economic activities –bearing in mind that the university has an infrastructure where productive processes are developed and that in Florencia are established large banking-entities–.
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References (SEE)
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