Education for change. Strategies and public policies for a transforming Latin America

Educación para el cambio. Estrategias y políticas públicas para una Latinoamérica en transformación

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Diego D. Díaz Guerra


Education in Latin America plays a crucial role in social transformation, promoting equality and economic development. To achieve quality education, it is necessary to implement public policies that align with the realities. These policies are fundamental for the sustainable and equitable future of Latin America. The manuscript presents the results of a qualitative documentary review that used descriptive and documentary methods to analyze a wide range of sources, including theses, scientific articles, books, and academic studies. Out of the 173 identified documents, 56 were selected based on their relevance, academic rigor, and timeliness. The review highlights both the achievements and challenges of education policies in Latin America. Positive progress has been observed in areas such as literacy, graduation rates, and access to education. However, challenges such as socioeconomic inequality and resource shortages persist. To address these issues, measures are proposed, including the creation of funds for educational innovation, professional development of teachers, and the implementation of ongoing assessments. The ultimate goal is to promote inclusive, effective, and adaptable education that prepares future generations to face current and future challenges.



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References (SEE)

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