The role of audiovisual content in the promotion of tourist destinations

El papel de los contenidos audiovisuales en la promoción de destinos turísticos

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Sandra Milena Sánchez Castellanos
Luisa Fernanda Pinzón Bolívar


Currently, advances in science and technology contribute favorably to the promotion of different places, all due to the global reach of social networks. Therefore, this article had the objective of highlighting the role of the generation of multimedia content in the promotion of tourist destinations from a participatory approach, where it was the impacted population that became the promoter of the destination itself. For this, a qualitative study was carried out where the integration of the scenario and the people as part of the same whole was sought. This exercise demonstrates the design and implementation of these contents, the participating role of the community, the work plan proposed in the territory and the impact methodology according to the characteristics of the designed contents, making visible the potential of the municipality of San Antonio in the department of Tolima. In turn, it contributes a call to reflection on the responsibility in the creation of content that is truly allusive to the reality of a potential tourist destination, and the importance of the community itself being the protagonist of what the territory has to offer.



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