Development of tourism activity in the amazon region

Desarrollo de la actividad turística en la región amazónica

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Darwin Irne Ney González Ávila
Diana Paola Garzón Salazar
Verenice Sánchez Castillo


Nowadays the tourist activity has managed to lead the markets as one of the ones that generates the most contributions to the tourism business sector. Their maximum comfort zone falls on the places that have natural landscapes, distinctive cultures and amazing stories about their civilizations. It is within this framework, where the Amazon region stands out as an ideal place to carry out this activity, all thanks to its exorbitant flora and fauna, history rooted in cultural elements, as well as its geographical characteristics, which have led it to become one of the standards preferred by tourists. The objective is oriented to analyze how the behavior of the tourist activity in the Amazon region has developed. With this purpose, a theoretical review of the main studies that have addressed this issue in the literature was carried out. Therefore, content analysis and triangulation of methods were used, as well as various techniques and sources of information as methodological support. The study carried out shows that the Amazon region has historically been one of the favorite places for visitors, all due to its natural treasures, indigenous cultures and its spectacular vegetation and animal world.



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References (SEE)

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