Transformational Leadership as a Generator of Social Management in the University Research Seeds in Santa Marta

Liderazgo Transformacional como Generador de Gestión Social en los Semilleros de Investigación Universitarios en Santa Marta

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Iris María Cantillo Velásquez
Miguel Alfonso Niebles Gamarra
Kelly Yadira Jaramillo Plaza


The main purpose of this reflection article was to analyze transformational leadership as a producer of social knowledge management, in the university research seedbeds of Santa Marta. This seeks to reflect on the leadership exercised from the university research seedbeds, through analysis of the characteristics of current leadership. The methodology used in this study was carried out under a mixed descriptive approach, using the ethnographic method, participatory observation, as well as semi-structured interview. The population under study was made up of active researchers and seedlings from 5 seedbeds in university institutions in the city of Santa Marta. The data, acquired through the analysis, categorization process, and structuring, indicates a notable weakness of transformational leadership and a low impact on the significant contribution to social management. Likewise, there is some indifference in the integration between university seedlings and the communities, in addition to a perceived low motivation in the consolidation of cooperation and inspiration strategies to achieve significant social changes.



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