Caso Urupalma S. A.: responsabilidad de los empresarios de la palma en el desplazamiento y desarraigo de pueblos afrodescendientes en el Chocó

Caso Urupalma S. A.: responsabilidad de los empresarios de la palma en el desplazamiento y desarraigo de pueblos afrodescendientes en el Chocó

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Consuelo Wynter


The article questions the extent of the responsability of employers in some of the actions that resulted in the violation of human rights of Colombians. Thereto, the reference is the case of the employers of palm in the Cuenca del Pacífico in Chocó, specifically of Urupalma S.A. This is a signature case because justice was served through ordinary justice upon imputing individual responsabilities to the empoyers that allowed or financed the crimes comited in the territory. 


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