Tensiones entre el desarrollo sostenible y la crisis ambiental: educación, estética y cultura

Tensiones entre el desarrollo sostenible y la crisis ambiental: educación, estética y cultura

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Carlos Alberto Castaño Aguirre


The concept of sustainable development has been approached from different disciplines. However, environmental crisis is still going on as well as damage to our vital ecosystems. Those problems seem to be increased by technological confidence and dependence. This article analyzes the origins of the concept of sustainable development, and hypothesizes on how, by means of educational strategies and environmental aesthetics, we could transform the way we interact with territory, considering human beings as a result of different natural life expressions amongst many possible ones. In addition, the paper criticizes the extractive model of production, which has ruled mankind behaviour, specially since the Industrial Revolution in european modern period. From a Latin-American environmental point of view, this perspective establishes the need for a cultural change and a reconciliation with nature.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Carlos Alberto Castaño Aguirre, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín

Estudiante de la Especialización en Paz y Desarrollo Territorial de la Corporación Unificada de Educación Superior - CUN. Magister en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente. Docente Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín.