Enseñanza de la Historia en Colombia. El estado actual de los programas de pregrado de Historia

Enseñanza de la Historia en Colombia. El estado actual de los programas de pregrado de Historia

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Rafael Francisco Diaz Vásque


The teaching of History and the problem of its re-entry into school plans, after three decades is treated from institutions such as the men and the Senate of the Republic, after years of application by the Colombian Association of Historians and the Academy Colombian History. From establishing the chair of History within the school plans, it is necessary to look in foresight that History has been taught in classrooms, as well as the preparation of their graduates and the relevance of the teaching exercise, which as explained is Influenced by areas and in this paper we will examine the role of education in the education of the different types of education in the education system, and in the education of the different types of education and education plans.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Rafael Francisco Diaz Vásque, Universidad San Buenaventura

Historiador de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, doctor en Historia de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Docente-investigador del grupo: Políticas, sociabilidades y representaciones histórico-educativas