El problema del legado español en la discusión sobre la construcción de nación en la Colombia del siglo xix: una lectura desde el género ensayístico

El problema del legado español en la discusión sobre la construcción de nación en la Colombia del siglo xix: una lectura desde el género ensayístico

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Sebastián Camilo Moreno Gómez


This article intends to invite the reader to be interested in the political and literary history of Colombia in the 19th century. Soon, the Bicentennial of Independence will be celebrated, which is why it is important to return to the issues that defined the national identity and culture of our country. In this sense, this article also intends that the reader critically understand the political processes of the past and be able to aware not only of the eternal polarization that has been experienced in our country, but also of the way in which the ruling classes have left the people in a second degree of importance. Thus, retaking the texts of authors such as Simón Bolívar, Manuel María Madiedo, Vicente Azuero, Salvador Camacho Roldán, José Manuel Restrepo and Miguel Antonio Caro, for example, as essayists, is a task that is interesting to understand the way in which the Colombians of the time thought that the nation should be configured.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Sebastián Camilo Moreno Gómez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Profesional en Estudios Literarios de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia