Continuidad e incertidumbre. Relaciones Estados Unidos – América Latina: el caso de Nicaragua

Continuidad e incertidumbre. Relaciones Estados Unidos – América Latina: el caso de Nicaragua

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Alexander Montealegre Saavedra


This article promotes a series of reflections on the relationship between the United States and Latin America from an overview and through a historical epicenter in Nicaragua as a representative case of these relations from the particular. Highlights what was at the time the creation of the Contadora Group in response to the hegemonic designs of the United States, in particular the role played by this instance to achieve peace in Central America. It concludes with a series of forward-looking reflections on the possibility of generating processes of autonomy in the region.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Alexander Montealegre Saavedra, Corporacion Unificada Nacional (CUN)

Politólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, licenciado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Magíster en Investigación en Problemas Sociales Contemporáneos de la Universidad Central y docente del Área de Formación Investigativa de la Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior - cun.