The return of the sensitive hand beyond the click

El retorno de la mano sensible más allá del click

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Álvaro Rubiano Espinosa


This dissertation aims to reflect on a pedagogical practice in Graphic Design, which allows the confluence of two generations in the educational context: the one that teaches and the one that learns. The first is made up of teachers, most of whom could be classified in the category of “digital immigrants” (Prensky, 2001). The second, made up of students, most of whom can be considered as "digital natives". In other words, in this group the virtual environment has defined and conditioned aspects of their daily lives, which also permeate their form of expression and artistic projection. The idea of this article is to develop a proposal to resume the sensitive aspect and the graphic manifestation of the student through the experience of "feeling" again the materiality of traditional expression techniques, such as hand drawing, sketching, brushstrokes and conscious use of color. All this is presented from the experience of a graffiti workshop that allowed us to see different aspects of the tension between the digital and the analog, as well as to recognize the vast panorama of creation possibilities before venturing into the digital or virtual world, in the " no space”, as Brea (2004) calls it. For this purpose, students experience the sensation of space, color, volume, and perspective, configuring a scenery for reflection on the value of experience as a producer of knowledge and on sensory perception as a direct relationship with the surrounding world. emphasizing the recognition of living space beyond what the computer offers as a maximum tool.



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