Reflections on the sustainability of agricultural technological innovations

Reflexiones sobre la sostenibilidad de las innovaciones tecnológicas agrícolas

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Leila Nayibe Ramírez
Rafael Antonio Acosta


The sustainability of agricultural activity is a
framework of discussion of interest to society in
general since conventional agricultural practices
have been evolving at the rate that population
grows in large cities and in the world, the fight
against food insecurity implies the growing investment
in economic resources in research and
development of agricultural inputs and equipment
to increase the volume of production but
it is questionable as the Technology can have
undesirable effects on ecosystems due to disharmony
with extensive agriculture. This article
allows us to establish an analysis based on evidence
reported by literature and a philosophical
conceptual framework of thinkers around the
relationship between technology and agriculture.
Some reported statistics declare the possibility
of relating that there is a low adaptation
of agricultural technology and tropical ecosystems
that need to be considered by public policy
and society in general to minimize the negative
effects of their adaptation in tropical countries.



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References (SEE)

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