Hacia una metafórica del trabajo literario en relación con el orden social

Hacia una metafórica del trabajo literario en relación con el orden social

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Guillermo Andrés Castillo Quintana


This paper presents a first approximation to what I call “metaphoric of artistic work”: a semantic field of metaphors and rhetorical tropes that have become some of the concepts, aesthetic categories and explanatory systems of literary theory and criticism of the twentieth century. In particular, this document is interested in its axiological-appreciative function in two ways: 1) by the fact that being erected as a language to reflect on literature and, 2) for considering that it is also a form of historical consciousness of the trade that criticism and literary theory develop within the modern social order. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Guillermo Andrés Castillo Quintana, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Profesional en Estudios Literarios por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudiante de Maestría en Estudios Literarios de la misma universidad.