Influencias externas en la organización del Ejército colombiano en la primera mitad del siglo XX

Influencias externas en la organización del Ejército colombiano en la primera mitad del siglo XX

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Lidia Esperanza Alvira Gómez


The professionalization and organization of the National Army was a task undertaken during the presidential term of General Rafael Reyes. Although he presented contradictors, his goal was to bring a select group of foreign military from the Chilean Army. They, with their experience and knowledge, were in charge of structuring the military career in the twentieth century, organizing the training school, writing the manuals and establishing everything related to the military doctrine of the country. Thus, four Chilean missions were brought in from 1907. The Chilean Army was chosen for its military formation, which began in 1885 when it hired a German mission to train and instruct it in the military doctrine of world importance. From that moment, the Chilean Army stood out among those existing for the time in Latin America. For this reason, the professionalization of the military career at the beginning of the twentieth century was due to a strong Chilean influence, and the latter, in turn, to the German school. Later, with the participation of the Colombian Battalion in the Korean War, the US influence came from the hand of military training, the weaponry, uniforms and accessories received by the active Colombian military who participated in the war activity on behalf of the United States of America. 



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Author Biography (SEE)

Lidia Esperanza Alvira Gómez, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior

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