Educational policy: Inclusive Pedagogy and Disability in initial Teacher Training for English as a Foreign Language. Política educativa: Pedagogía Inclusiva y Discapacidad en la Formación

Educational policy: Inclusive Pedagogy and Disability in initial Teacher Training for English as a Foreign Language

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Adriana Marcela Gómez Bermúdez
Benjamín Barón Velandia


The domain of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching is expanding rapidly, reflecting the global demand for English proficiency. With this growth, there is an increasing emphasis on inclusivity in education, particularly regarding students’ disabilities. This article explores how disability and inclusive pedagogy are addressed in initial teacher training (ITT) programs for EFL teachers, with a particular focus on the Colombian context. It highlights the gaps and opportunities for improvement in teacher education. The findings from a systematic evidence synthesis reveal that ITT programs lack comprehensive modules on inclusive education, leaving new teachers underprepared to address the varied needs of students. The article discusses the
importance of integrating inclusive practices into EFL classrooms and provides recommendations for enhancing ITT policies and programs to better prepare EFL pre-service teachers for inclusive education.



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