Globalization and new educational practices

Globalización y nuevas prácticas educativas

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Viviana Marcela Miranda Moreno


This article of reflection analyzes globalization and its interrelation with knowledge from the new educational practices, for this it approaches the concept in light of the expansion and internationalization of the market economy, the economic flows of goods, the changes in the educational models among others, in order to understand the dynamics that are generated from the interaction of knowledge in this stage of modernization of processes and technologies. The article also reflects on the different conflicts of values from a capitalist vision, proposing how individuals adapt to the world based on the different nuclei in which they find themselves and their evolution, which allow a social construction through conflicts and how this causes different individuals get involved in their own context, causing the various educational processes to broaden the perspective of knowledge, creating new methodologies from the different pedagogical models already imposed and promoting a new cultural opening, which generates an expansion in the world economy that breaks paradigms causing a new wave of adaptation



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