Las redes sociales: medio facilitador en el desarrollo del marketing de causa

Las redes sociales: medio facilitador en el desarrollo del marketing de causa

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Sandra Yanet Velazco Flórez
Alexandra Abuchar Porras
Orlando García Hurtado




 Many businesses and shops point their effort to figures without realizing that for each task that is ca­rried out, they can also significantly contribute to causes for the common good. This paper addresses the cause marketing, which seeks, with its actions of brand and trade visibility, the engagement in significant and emotional changes of a large part of consumers with clear objectives, such as increa­sing their own sales and contribute to the goals of some nonprofit businesses. In addition, it is shown how the Electronic Commerce, or e-commerce, has been added to this type of marketing, attaching to the discussed topic the role of social networks seeking to enhance a product or service with greater emotional influence and social sense, as well as a greater understanding of people with both the brand and the environment. Without doubts, cause marketing, along with social networks, is becoming a great challenge and benefit of competitiveness for many businesses, which have decided to apply it within their communication strategies, promotion and dissemination of their brand or product.



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