Aplicación de sistemas programables para los sistemas computacionales y robóticos animatronics

Aplicación de sistemas programables para los sistemas computacionales y robóticos animatronics

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Jeison Andrés Orjuela Parra


This article presents the results obtained during the development of a system that, by bringing together various technological components, is capable of generating joint movements similar to those carried out by the human body. In turn, the document will deal with the integration of communication protocols whose function is to remotely control that system and, even more so, on the process of incorporating different electronic units that would endow the system with robustness such that they would make it analogous to an industrial one. It will also address the issue of the implementation of methodologies capable of adapting to structural design through graphic components, behavioral analysis and simulation through virtual or mathematical applications. Throughout this text, I will try to show the importance of the synergy of different disciplines of knowledge, their usefulness, their evaluation and their commercial need in the construction of animatronics, robots capable of simulating movements of nature that are gradually being incorporated into the contemporary world.



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