Brazo robótico programado en Dev C++ para soporte de enseñanza académica

Brazo robótico programado en Dev C++ para soporte de enseñanza académica

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Jorge Stiven Forero Acosta
Jefferson Parra Ariza


This article presents a detailed study of the movement of a robotic arm, in order to provide essential information about it and also consider the future construction of a Robotics laboratory. Due to the current technological advance, robotics stands out for its ability to integrate different fields of knowledge, in the attempt to emulate simple and complex human movements. These exercises have enormous applications on industry and academia. The methodology proposed in this research is the design and development of a robotic arm controlled by the Dev C++ programming language. Its main purpose is didactic: invite and motivate university students to interact dynamically with the understanding of operation, consolidation of logic and programming codes (usually complex) of a robotic arm.



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