Un mundo para la gente: estrategias de diseño para la innovación

Un mundo para la gente: estrategias de diseño para la innovación

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Alejandro Rivera Plata


This document describes the pros and cons of the concepts of creative destruction and discontinuity. These are part of the theoretical body of innovation and are considered as substantial elements to understand innovation in its dynamic and social dimension. In the critical analysis of these terms, the concepts destructive destruction and social fragmentation arise, a fact that evidences some of the problems involved in innovation processes in the social dimension. From the understanding of these phenomena derives the need to conceive the use of innovation, co-creation or open innovation processes among them, as mechanisms and dynamics that respect the particular interests and tend to the integration of organizations and individuals that constitute them with market dynamics in a harmonious way. In this way, design and design emerge as instruments for integration, the development of social innovation and as alternatives for innovation for people, but not for the market. 


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Author Biography (SEE)

Alejandro Rivera Plata, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior

Diseñador Gráfico y Especialista en Pedagogía del Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente en la Corporación Nacional Unificada de Educación Superior (CUN). Contacto: danilo_rivera@cun.edu.co